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[Headline] Disabled Militants Protest at Capitol To Live on Their Own


More than 200 chanting protesters in wheelchairs swarmed into the U.S. Capitol yesterday, throwing themselves on the floor and blocking hallways to demand federal programs that would help disabled people live on their own.

Several of the demonstrators chained their wheelchairs together and spread sleeping bags across the tiled corridors, saying they were prepared to camp out until congressional leaders agreed to address their concerns.

Capitol police closed off portions of the Capitol and - with the assistance of physicians and interpreters for the hearing-impaired — arrested 114 protesters.

The group was in Washington for three days of demonstrations to urge changes in federal policies that would enable greater numbers of disabled people to live independently instead of in care homes. Specifically, they are asking that 25 percent of Medicaid funds spent on nursing homes be shifted to in-home care ‘programs.

SF Chronicles
Дата съемки
Вт 16 Июль 2013
Дата публикации
Чт 12 Сентябрь 2019
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