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ADAPT (800)

ADAPT (800).JPG ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)ADAPT (799-A)MiniaturasADAPT (801)

Photo: by Tom Olin?

In a somewhat dim hotel ballroom with chandaleers, a short woman in a red shirtdress (HHS Secretary Donna Shalala) stands facing a large crowd of people, most of whom are in wheelchairs. She holds a mic and some papers in one hand and reaches out with the other to shake hands with a woman in a wheelchair [Carla Laws] with a cap and shorts and a white sleveless t-shirt. Carla reaches forward to shake with a brace on her hand. Beside Carla is a man in a wheelchair [Lee Sanders] in a blue t-shirt and tan pants, wearing a beret, a choker and facepaint. On Shalala's other side someone sitting on the floor is holding a poster about disability. Shalala is not much taller standing than Lee and Carla (both tall people) sitting in their motorized wheelchairs.

Photo by Tom Olin
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