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PHOTOS by Alex Reininger: PHOTO 1 (background for the print article) shows two police officers holding back a black wheelchair activist's [George Roberts] motorized wheelchair. Roberts' face is grimacing behind his sunglasses and his arm is clenched on his joystick. His front end is tipped in the air and he has a poster across his legs that reads "Nursing homes = Jail." Behind him to the right is a group of two other police officers holding back in a wheelie another motorized wheelchair near some cars. Behind to the left, disability photographer Tom Olin is raising his camera.

PHOTO 2: (inset next to the text) a photograph of a man (Clayton Jones) in a manual wheelchair with his neck kriptonite locked to a door. There are two posters taped to the glass door, above his head. One reads "Cadillac Care? NO! Independence YES!!" The other reads "$30,000/yr in a nursing home vs. $8,000/yr for at-home services." [Image]

[Headline] The New Civil Rights
[Subheading] The Americans With Disabilities Act has unlocked the door, now it's time to open it
By Joseph P. Shapiro
Photos by Alon Reininger

The California breeze blew exceptionally warm that fall day in 1962 as Ed Roberts, as postpolio quadriplegic, was lifted out of his wheelchair, carried up a mountain of steps, and situated in Room 201 of Cal Hall at the University of California Berkeley. "It was a perfect day, a wonderful day, and exceptional day," says Roberts. "It was the first day of class, the first day of my freedom, and the first day of my life as a self-sufficient person."

That same school semester Jame Meredith, escorted to class by U.S. marshals, integrated the University of Mississippi. "We both had to sue to get into school," notes Roberts. "The only difference: I didn't need soldiers

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