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ADAPT (900)

ADAPT (900).JPG ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)ADAPT (901)MiniatureADAPT (899)

[This page continues the article from image 901. The full text is available under Image 900]

[Image description] Behind a wall of police barricades that have bars and come up to their necks, a line of people in wheelchairs have their arms up and are chanting. One man {Alfredo Juarez] has a bullhorn. They have large posters in front of their legs which read "The Nursing Home [unreadable word with a scales of justice picture]", "Family Values not AHCA dollars" and "Redirect [not readable.]