ADAPT (923).JPG ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)ADAPT (924)MiniaturasADAPT (922)

May 17, 1995

[Image] PHOTO by AP/Wide World Press: A dozen or more ADAPT people in wheelchairs sit in front of a door. There is a railing in the middle of the group and up against the door are wo police officers. Kevin Ervin of West Virginia ADAPT is sitting on the left side of the photo behind the railing wearing dark sunglasses next to the standing person with the wild hair. Someone [maybe Mary Johnson of the Disability Rag] is on a phone next to the door. Above that persons's head is a poster taped to the wall that reads "Shame on Newt."
[Image caption] Budget Cuts Protest- U.S. Capitol police officers guard the front door as disabled activists and other demonstrators gather outside the apartment building of House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgie Tuesday to protest Medicare and budget cuts.

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