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ADAPT (1009)

ADAPT (1009).JPG ADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement HoustonADAPT (1010)ThumbnailsVideo_Incitement Houston

This is part 2 of a story in ADAPT 1013, 1012, 1011, 1010 and 1009. The entire text appears in ADAPT 1013 for easier reading.

Photo by Cante Tinza, Inc: Between two gleaming metal walls of elevators ADAPT protesters fill all the available space. Facing in all directions waiting for elevators, the group is packed together. Caption reads: ADAPT filled the lobby and several floors of Cigna. We don't want managed care to manage us out of the picture.

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