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ADAPT (1011)

ADAPT (1011).JPG ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)ADAPT (1012)ThumbnailsADAPT (1010)

This is part of a story in ADAPT 1013, 1012, 1011, 1010 and 1009. The entire text appears in ADAPT 1013 for easier reading.
Photo by Cante Tinza, Inc.: Protesters are standing and sitting jammed in by the front of a building. Their mouths are open yelling, one person has a bullhorn and several have their arms raised in the air. Caption reads: Outside the Republican Headquarters ADAPT cheered upon hearing the party chairman had arrived and agreed to our demands.