ADAPT (1767).JPG ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)ADAPT (1768)DiapositivasADAPT (1766)

Wade Blank, from the waist up, wearing a black ADAPT Free Our People T-shirt. He has long - below the shoulder length - straight blonde hair parted in the middle, and he is wearing round tinted glasses. Behind him you can see the red and white stripes of the ADAPT flag.

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