Etusivu / Albumit / Memphis, May 1998 /

ADAPT (1124)

ADAPT (1124).JPG ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)ADAPT (1125)EsikatselukuvatADAPT (1123)

PHOTO: A woman in a black ADAPT T-shirt (Cassie James) looks over her shoulder and up as she speaks to reporters who are holding microphones in front of her. She has red hair and her eyes are wide, her focus intense. Only the reporters hands and mics are in the picture. Behind her a man in a wheelchair (Herb Teat) holds a four prong cane on shoulder. Behind him is a line of ADAPT folks along a building - left to right: Chico from PA in purple, Sharon Joseph of KS in light blue, Karen Greebon of TX in red, and behind Herb is Mike Auberger in black, partially hidden.)

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