Forside / Albummer / Memphis, May 1998 /

ADAPT (1134)

ADAPT (1134).JPG ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)ADAPT (1135)MiniaturebillederADAPT (1133)

PHOTO: The midst of a crowd of ADAPT people outside a large office building. In the forground a rasied fist. Behind, two women in different yellow ADAPT shirts, one standing and yelling or chanting, one sitting in her chair squinting and focusing. Behind them, more protesters including a man in dark glasses and a dark tshirt and in the center of the picture but back, Sue Davis is standing looking determined.

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