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[Headline] Protesters shut Sundquist's local office
[Subheading] Demand Tenn. funds for home assistants

The Commercial Appeal

Protesters, many in wheel-chairs, crowded Gov. Don Sundquist's Memphis office Monday demanding expanded state funding for community services to provide alternatives to nursing home care.

Other members of the group later blocked the exit to the parking garage under the Shelby County office building, 160 N. Main. The blockade kept about 50 workers waiting up to 90 minutes. Protesters said they blocked the exit because they were not allowed to bring food and medicine to the pro-testers in the governor's office.

The protests and blockade were organized by ADAPT (American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today). The Denver-based disability rights group is holding a four-day meeting here.

Early this morning, nearly 100 remained in the governor's office and about 75 were out-side the building.

"ADAPT will be here at the state building all night in solidarity of support of our people inside and people inside nursing homes across the state," said Stephanie Thomas, national organizer for ADAPT.

Police were monitoring the situation in the building.

The parking garage exit opened about 6 p.m., following the promise of a joint press conference involving protest leaders, Shelby County Mayor Jim Rout and Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton.

State services and Sundquist were the targets Monday.

"We need to speak with the governor concerning the fact ' Tennessee is the worst state in the nation as far as home- and community-based services are concerned," said Diane Coleman, 44, a former Tennessean living in Chicago.

During an evening press conference, Herenton and Rout said they were sympathetic to the group's issues They committed to contact Sundquist and state lawmakers in an effort to persuade them to take another look at the concerns.

Sundquist was willing to talk to protesters, said Beth Fortune, his press secretary. But the two sides couldn't agree on the conditions.

Three hours after the protest began, state employees were sent home about 2 p.m. and the state office building at 170 N. Main was locked. The building houses most of state government's regional offices.

"At this point, unless something changes, we expect and anticipate that everyone will be back at work (this) morning," said Anthony Kimbrough, a Tennessee Department of Safety spokesman. He didn't know how many employees were affected Monday.

Kimbrough and Fortune said the employees were dismissed for their own safety. "All the elevators were not working at one time," Kimbrough said.

Monday's protest was similar to other demonstrations ADAPT has staged nationwide.

ADAPT's Memphis meeting, which has attracted about 500 people, ends Wednesday.

There were no arrests or injuries following Monday's protests, which attracted an estimated 250.

"As long as individuals Photographs by Robert Cohen remain in the building, certainly there will be a law enforcement presence," said Kimbrough, whose department includes the Tennessee High-way Patrol. Seven or eight state troopers were sent to the build-ing, in addition to dozens of Memphis police and Shelby County Sheriff's officers.

After shutting Sundquist's office Monday, ADAPT faxed its demands to Sundquist's Nashville residence. The list called on Sundquist to expand community services covered by Tennessee Medicaid, support federal legislation to expand
A Shelby County SWAT officer (above) removes protester De'vorah L. Kappers of Colorado from the parking garage of the Shelby County building as state troopers lower the garage door. Blocked by protesters, Hazel Bills (at left) says she Is unable to help them contact the governor as she and other county employees, including Dave Jones, try to leave.
funding for personal aides, and get the group a slot on the National Governors Association summer meeting agenda.

"The governor was more than willing to speak with the leader of the group — certainly willing to meet with a couple of their leaders --- but in terms of their demands, I think we would just have to take a look them," said Fortune.

Sundquist offered to speak with Coleman by telephone, but declined her request they talk via speaker phone.

Coleman said she was unaware Sundquist also offered to arrange a meeting between protest leaders and state officials. She said she would have declined. "This group isn't really interested in a meeting with one or two people. We've had plenty of meetings. There has to be real change that frees people who don't want to be in nursing homes."

Monday's protest comes weeks after state legislators failed to pass a measure that would have earmarked additional funds for home and community services for Medicaid-eligible individuals.

ADAPT is pushing for national legislation to expand government funding for personal aides to provide the practical support disabled people need to live independently.

"We hope those in power will see we are heartfelt in what we say. We need more options," Memphian Samuel Ware.

Childhood polio left Ware, 49, largely paralyzed with only limited use of his left hand. He relies on his mother for such tasks, is dressing, bathing and getting out of bed. But his mother is in her 70s and, without her, Ware fears a nursing home would be his only option.

Medicaid pays the bill for about'30,000 Tennesseans, about 70 percent of the state's nursing, home residents. About 95 percent of Tennessee's $672 million Medicaid budget goes for nursing home care.

Fortune noted that Sundquist had role in a compromise over a state legislative proposal on long-term care for the elderly and disabled. The compromise calls for an in-depth study of long-term care issues.

To reach reporter Mary Powers, call 529-2383 or E-mail ptiwets@gomemphis.com

Nashville Bureau Chief Richard Locker and reporter John Semien contributed to this story.