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ADAPT (486)

ADAPT (486).JPG ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)ADAPT (441)VirschäibillerADAPT (472)

PHOTO Tom Olin?: Two police officers, one in plain clothes and one in uniform stand talking but looking in opposite directions. The plain clothes man has on a tie and jacket. He has his arms crossed across his chest, as does the other officer. Behind them are visible, parts of the fronts of two large buses sitting side by side. Between the cops and the buses is partially visible the line of people in wheelchairs who are blocking the buses. Diane Coleman is partially visible, with an "Access Not Excuses" poster in front of her legs, and another man's head is visible with his access poster -- around the shoulder of one of the officers.

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