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ADAPT (446)

ADAPT (446).JPG ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)ADAPT (445)SličiceADAPT (447)

PHOTO Tom Olin: A man in a manual wheelchair with no legs, Jerry Eubanks, is being pushed by a skinny uniformed police man. Jerry is looking to his left, the police man to his right. Another cop looks down at Jerry. A couple of other protesters (Stephanie Thomas and ET, Ernest Taylor) can be seen in the background, with 2 other uniformed police men looking toward them and at the very back a man in a sports jacket and tie is looking right. Everyone is in an empty parking lot. All the ADAPT folks are wearing their uniform, a black T-shirt with a gold ADAPT "no steps" logo on the front.