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ADAPT (447)

ADAPT (447).JPG ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)ADAPT (448)MiniaturasADAPT (446)

PHOTO Tom Olin?: ADAPT marches down a curvy street, the line snaking back out of sight. All but a couple of people wear their black ADAPT t-shirts with the gold "no steps" logo on the front. Julie Farrar with her "Together Not Apart" sign, and Lillibeth Navarro, with an "Access equals gentler + kinder" sign are at the front of the photo. Behind them are Kim Horton, George Roberts and Mark Johnson. Then Arthur Campbell is guiding the edge of the line from the side, with his grey hair in a headband and pony tail, and next to him a quad with a blue cap sits and Sue Davis is walking toward them. In the next row of marchers is Larry Ruiz and Tommy Malone. Behind them is a woman in a white shirt and behind her is Ken Heard. Behind Ken is a someone walking on crutches with lots of buttons on their shirt. Beside that person a woman (possibly Rhonda Lester) walks and behind her is Jim Parker and Devorah Kappers is pushing someone in a wheelchair. Being pushed by Frank Lozano, Paulette Patterson is riding off to the side of the line, wearing a white t-shirt. Behind her is Lori Eastman and what looks like Rick James and Barb Guthrie.