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[Headline] Catholic Entities Back Bill To Help Disabled Avoid Nursing Homes

WASHINGTON (CNS) The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and two other national Catholic organizations have backed proposed federal legislation that would enable many people with disabilities to live in their communities instead of in nursing homes. The legislation would help those with disabilities use Medicaid resources to choose independent living, with reliance on community-based services, over Medicaid-funded institutionalized care. In a joint letter to key House and Senate sponsors of the bill, the heads of the USCCE Committee on Domestic Policy, the Catholic health Association of the United States and the National Catholic Partnership on Disability urged passage of the Medicaid Community-Based Attendant Services and Supports Act, known as M3CASSA. "With the services that MiCASSA would make available, more people with disabilities will be able to move from institutional care to lives of independence in their communities," the Catholic leaders said.