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ADAPT (1689)

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program funds to projects that are integrated. Currently, the 811 program primarily funds segregated housing situations for people with disabilities.

Two hours of testimony about the lack of affordable, accessible integrated housing articulated by disability rights activists from across the nation followed. But HUD officials remarks reportedly in-cited the crowd to anger.

"We just heard the same old rhetoric, lots of promises, but
no action," said Cassie James, ADAPT Organizer from Philadelphia who moderated the Housing Forum.

In a May meeting in Washington, D.C., ADAPT con-fronted Secretary Jackson about the 58 percent loss in housing vouchers that the dis-ability community suffered due to a combination of federal budget cuts, and misappropriation of the vouchers by local entities that administer the voucher program. Jackson promised to report to ADAPT before the action in Chicago how many of those housing vouchers for people with dis-abilities he has recovered.

Jackson, who had also promised in May to meet with ADAPT three times a year, failed to show in Chicago, sending Kim Kendrick, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and Paula Blunt, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing in his place. Neither Kendrick nor Blunt provided the numbers promised by their boss in May.

"As we have begun to make progress in getting people out of institutions, and prevent-ing people from being forced into institutions, the lack of affordable, accessible, integrated housing in typical neighborhoods has become glaringly apparent," said Beto Berrera, a member of Chicago ADAPT and a Chicago housing expert.

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