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ADAPT (155)

ADAPT (155).JPG ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)ADAPT (151)MiniaturesADAPT (156)

Rocky Mountain News

PHOTO by Steve Groer, Rocky Mountain News Staff: person in a manual wheelchair sits holding a sign that reads "Make Public Transit Public." In front of her people move suitcases from the sidewalk to a vehicle.

[Headline] Access to buses is Demanded
A member of a group called ADAPT, or American Disabled for Accessible Public Transportation, picks downtown Hilton Hotel where the American public Transit Association is meeting. ADAPT is demanding wheelchair access to all U.S public buses, and their motto is, “No taxation for Transportation”.