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Denver Post
Photo by David Cupp: A semi dark room with sun streaming in the window at the back. Silhouetted against the window is an oxygen tank. In the foreground a young man (Michael Smith) with dark beard lies in bed, sheets drawn up to his chin, and his long dark hair laid out on the pillow above his head. He is looking at a young woman (Ellen Finch) who sits by the bed on his left. She is wearing a kerchief and baggy top and fades into the darkness at the bottom edges of the photo. In the black on the right side of the picture, these words are printed in white letters: - And I shall surpass any mountain, or ill or death itself - Mike Smith

caption - Bureaucracy Adds a New Handicap for Residents of Atlantis Project

Muscular dystrophy patient Mike Smith talks with Ellen Finch, an attendant at Atlantis Community in southwest Denver where he and seven other handicapped persons are living. Smith, 21, and four other Atlantis residents didn't receive their Social Security checks earlier this month because of foul-ups by the federal Social Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service in Denver and a Lakewood nursing home.