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Billings Gazette 6/15/83

Disabled learn persuasion tactics
by ROGER CLAWSON, of the Gazette Staff

Disabled persons have a right to ride public buses, and — with a bit of political savvy - they can enforce that right.

That was the message Wade Blank, a Denver handicapped association activist, brought the Montana Independent Living Project conference in Billings Tuesday.

Blank said it would cost $180,000 to equip Billings’s Met transit system buses with wheelchair lifts. The federal government would pay 80 percent of that cost.

Blank said public buildings have been made accessible to handicapped persons, public transportation should also be accessible.

He outlined how his group, the Atlantis Community, fought to make the Denver bus system provide wheelchair lifts and suggested tactics to those who would make the Met accessible to handicapped:
* Lobby for support. In Denver, Blank said, major churches endorsed the Atlantis crusade.
* Build public awareness. Because handicapped people are unable to ride the buses, they are never seen by bus drivers or transit officials.

Blank suggested putting a person in a wheelchair on every bus to spend the day riding and handing out literature calling for equal access.

* Lawsuits may be needed to force public officials to explain how federal money, given with certain strings attached, has been spent.
* Serve notice that you won’t be bought off with special transportation systems. “They do not run special buses for blacks,” Blank said, "they should not be allowed to segregate the handicapped.”

Participants of the conference noted that the only transportation available to the handicapped in Billings is furnished by Special Transportation Inc. (STI), a private, non-profit corporation that provides transportation for the elderly and handicapped under contract.

Use of STI by handicapped adults is confined to trips for medical appointments.

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