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THE DETROIT NEWS / Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1986
The two articles that appear here are continuations of articles from ADAPT 285 and the entire text of the articles appear there for easier reading.
In addition to the articles there is a photo and news graphic that appear here.

Handicapped accessible buses

Here's a look at the number of buses that are handicap accessible and average number of daily riders on 6 transit systems:

Wheelchair Lifts :
Baltimore has 100. Chicago has 0, Cleveland has 0. Denver has 440, Detroit has 196, SEMTA has 140.

Total Buses:
Baltimore has 900, Chicago has 2,275, Cleveland has 656, Denver has 760, Detroit has 603, SEMTA has 203.

Daily Riders:
Baltimore has 240,000, Chicago has 1.6 million, Cleveland has 263,400, Denver has 160,000, Detroit has 180,000, SEMTA has 203,000.

(59 small vans for handicapped, all wheel chair accessible.)

PHOTO News Photo by W. Lynn Owens:
A man with bushy hair and beard and hoodie and jacket stands by the open door of a city bus. He looks down as another person sitting on the steps of the bus pulls himself/herself up the steps. On the sidewalk in front of the man and the bus is an empty manual wheelchair with a small bag on the back. Inside the bus is dark but you can see the outline of the driver looking on.
Caption reads: Protester tries to board city bus from wheelchair.