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ADAPT (402)

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PHOTO by Ted Dargan/Post Dispatch: A white man with gray hair and sunglasses, muscles bulging, is forcing an African American man (ET) in a manual wheelchair (with a very low back) backwards toward the ground. The man has ET by the shoulder and top of his head and one elbow is pressed against ET's other shoulder. ET has his arms up around the man but his hands are open and away from the attacker's back. A uniformed officer is standing next to them with one hand on ET's shoulder and the other on ET's wrist. They are all in front of a van that has Eyewitness News painted on its side. To one side is a woman in a motorized wheelchair (Barb Guthrie) who is looking back over her whoulder at the attack. On the far side of the van a woman (Lori Eastwood) in cut off jeans, a headband and an ADAPT T-shirt is watching the attack carefully.
Caption: Protest Clash
Police Lt. John Siebenman breaking up a scuffle Tuesday between Ernest Taylor (in wheelchair) and Donald Keiper at Greyhound bus terminal downtown. Keiper had tried to move a protester, Barbara Guthrie (at left), who is a member of a group favoring wheelchair lifts on buses. Taylor had intervened in the dispute. Story on Page 3A. [ADAPT 413 & 412]

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