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ADAPT (409)

ADAPT (409).JPG Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일Incitement v.1 n.1 p.2썸네일

[This memo is continued in ADAPT 408, but the text of both is contained here for easier reading.]


[title] SECURITY FOR APTA EASTERN CONVENTION St. Louis - May 14 Through 19, 1988

Set up Command Post at Omni Hotel.

A line of communication will be set up between Command Post (Bi-State and the Police Departments of concern.

The command rank of all Police Agencies of concern will be shown the APTA film on previous convention, which ADAPT members demonstrated.

Line of communication set up with officials at the Arch.

A direct line of communication will be implemented between all teams, 8i-State Security in the field and the command post. Also, a line of communication will be set up between officers in the field, the police departments, and between each team.

The 8i-State Security will consist of officers from the Under-cover and Reduce Fare Programs. These officers will be working in both uniforms and plain clothes. We will also have police officers from the U.P.S.P. from the E. St. Louis Police Department and the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department.

These officers (U.P.S.P.) will be organized into teams. The size of each team will depend on their assignment.

Communication has been sent to the San Francisco, California, requesting copies of the film they have regarding the demonstration of ADAPT at a convention in their city.

There will be made available a camera crew, with VCR-35 M.M. and polaroid cameras to capture any activity of the demonstrators. This film will be made available for use in court if needed in the event there are arrests. It will also be very useful for future use.

All moves from the hotel by APTA conventioneers on convention planned activities will be monitored. The final destination of these trips will be kept under surveillance by uniform and plain clothes officers.

All planned convention activities away from the hotel will be monitored to the extent that alternative routes will be planned beforehand. These alternate routes and access will have a code number or name. Security and Command Post will have a complete schedule on any and all planned moves. No moves will be made without Security or Command Post knowledge of same. Alternate means of access at the final destination will also be planned ahead.

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There will be advanced Security Teams sent ahead, and if they find the routes or final destination has ADAPT demonstrators gathering, this information will be sent immediately and directly to Command Post. It will be at this time the Command Post will give the Code as to what route and entrance to use. All team captains will have knowledge of these Code words or numbers, and to their proper use.

All buses transporting APTA conventioneers will have a uniform or plain clothes officer on board at all times with a radio. The officer will keep in constant contact with Command Post.

The Command Post will make the officers of board the bus or buses aware if they will be using the alternate routes and entrance to final destination and be given the alternative coded route and entrance to be used. Each officer on the bus(s) will acknowledge receiving the message.

All movement of these buses will also be made available to the Police Departments of concern.

Any demonstrators blocking the movement of any of our buses (Bi-State) or blocking the accessibility of entrance to our buses will be arrested and charged accordingly. Camera crew will be called if not already on the scene.

Our 8i-State Security will play a major role in this activity. Bi-State will prosecute when we are involved in any arrest. Our security force will assist the police whenever possible.

We will have a number of backup officers (reserve) on a standby status. They will be ready when or where ever needed.

There will be roving field supervisors (U.P.S.P.) who will monitor all movements concerning the Eastern APTA Convention on the streets, and will keep the Command Post appraised of any and all unusual movements or gathering of the ADAPT demonstrators. The Command Post in turn will notify the Police Department of concern if so warranted.

There should be made available two mini Call-a-ride vans. One will assist the law enforcement agencies to transport arrested demonstrators, and the other will be used by Command Post to deliver backup officers to locations they are needed, or for any other emergency which may arise.

A sweep will be made each day of all meeting rooms, prior to their occupancy, by Bi-State security and hotel security for any hidden bugging devices or any type of explosives.

Available at the Command Post will be a battery charger, spare batteries, and radios.

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