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Photo by Tom Olin: A woman in a striped suit, (the Regional Director of HHS, Delilah Brummet Flaum) stands by a car at the edge of the sidewalk. She is clutching a cup of coffee in one hand and in the other a briefcase and large envelope. Behind her several men in suits follow closely behind her looking like they might push her forward. At her feet however, a man (Bob Kafka) sits on the ground blocking her. To his right a woman in a scooter (Barbara Bounds) leans forward to block that side of the woman's path, while a policeman tries to wrest the controls of her scooter from her. To the woman's right is a man in a scooter (Larry Biondi?). Bob is leaning against the back of this scooter.

Tom Olin
Фотографирана во
петок 12 јули 2013
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