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Civil Rights not States Rights

[graphic of a foot print on the disability American flag. text surrounding it says Real Choice]

[Heading] Integration not Segregation

[Subheading] What is Olmstead v. LC & EW?
On April 21, 1999, the Supreme Court heard oral arguements in a Georgia lawsuit known as Olmstead v. LC& EW. It involves two women with mental disabilities, who wanted to live in the community, not in a state institution. They sued Georgia and won in the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and now live free in the community with appropriate services. Tommy Olmstead, Georgia's Commissioner of Human Services has challenged this, and the lawsuit was argued on April 21 before the Supreme Court. The lawsuit has raised enormous concern in the disability community, because of its potential to strip the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) of a basic civil rights provision, known as the "integration mandate".

[Subheading] Why is ADAPT at the Supreme Court?
ADAPT, a national grassroots disability rights group, is holding a rally and march to the steps of the Supreme Court, to show support for the "integration mandate" of the ADA, and for plaintiffs Lois and Elaine. The ADA is a civil rights law, and it's fundamental purpose is integration.

[Subheading] Title II of the ADA applies to public services offered by state and local governments. It says that "no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in" or "be subjected to discrimination" by a Government program or service.

Integration NOT Segregation
MAY 12.1999

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