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The Cincinnati Post May 27, 1986

Wheelchair protesters freed early

Post staff report

A motion for early release of three wheelchair-bound activists was granted today by Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge J. Howard Sundermann Jr.

On Friday, Sundermann sentenced Michael Auberger of Denver, George Cooper of Dallas and Bob Kafka of Austin, Texas, to 10 days in jail for their part in a protest last week at the main office of Queen City Metro. Attorney Joni Wilkens had argued against a jail term for health reasons.

Today Sundermann ordered the three released after serving six days of their sentences for trespassing. Before granting the motion for early release, Sundermann asked them if they planned to go to another city and “do the same thing?”

Auberger and Kafka said no, that they planned to return to their homes. Cooper did not reply.w

“I think we made our point. The issue (of access to public transportation) won’t go away,” Kafka said following the hearing.

Auberger, Cooper and Kafka are members of Americans Disabled for Public Transportation, which demonstrated against the lack of access by the handicapped to Queen City Metro buses.

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