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ADAPT (539)

ADAPT (539).JPG ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)ADAPT (541)SličiceADAPT (540)

(a publication of Shepherd Spinal Center)
Photo: A large group of marchers head up the hill on a wide sidewalk winding around a huge tree. At the front of the march people hold large posters, and the ADAPT flag flies proudly over the front of the group a few rows back from the front. People are walking as many as eight across in some places, while in others they are in pairs. Many people are walking, while some are in wheelchairs. The line continues off the back end of the picture.


In March, 20 Georgians took part in a national non-violent campaign in Washington to encourage the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Among them was Mark Johnson, Shepherd's advocacy specialist, and Ellen Broach of SSC's therapeutic recreation department.

Thirty-one states were represented in the week-long campaign, during which participants met with the leadership of the House of Representatives, where the act is still pending approval by two committees. In addition to a march down Pennsylvania Avenue (see photo above) and a rally in the Capitol rotunda, participants made personal visits to their representatives to urge support for the act.

“It was an extremely successful week," said Mark Johnson. “We touched the hearts and minds of people who are important in the passage of this law, and helped them to understand both the logic and the need for the changes."

Not only did the group gain the attention of important lawmakers, the media was not far behind. A story on CNN Headline News highlighted the march, while the entire editorial page of USA TODAY featured articles in support of ADA, with one guest columnist opposing the bill.

ADA has received wide support from Democrats and Republicans, and it is expected to be passed by the full house in May. Watch
upcoming issues of Spinal Column for a full update on this landmark civil rights legislation for people with disabilities.

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Canon EOS 40D
2013:07:12 12:57:24

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