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ADAPT (540)

ADAPT (540).JPG ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)ADAPT (536)MiniatureADAPT (557)

PHOTO (by Tom Olin) Slightly on angle, this picture is filled with people and a sense of motion. It focuses an elevator in a fancy building and the struggle at that elevator door. Inside the elevator you can see the head of some kind of police officer with a gold badge on his hat. Behind him, deeper in the elevator you can barely make out a woman with a white necklace standing back from the door. In front of the officer a young woman (Rhonda Lester), with an ADAPT bandanna tied like a headband, body-blocks one of the elevator doors as she holds the rim of the doorway with both hands. Next to her a man in a power wheelchair (Arthur Campbell) fills the rest of the doorway. He is wearing a peach colored ADAPT T-shirt with the no steps ADAPT logo and is bracing his body in his chair and against the woman's back. To his right, just outside the doorway of the elevator a young man in a manual wheelchair (Kent Killium) in a Chicago ADAPT "ADAPT or Perish" T-shirt (with the evolution series from ape to man and ending in a wheelchair) sits holding onto Arthur's power chair and looking at the struggle in the doorway. In front of Kent's chair is another power wheelchair user (Rick James) with a dark beard and and a red ADAPT bandanna tied around his black hat; he too is watching the struggle over his shoulder, hand on his joy stick ready to make a move. Behind Kent is a sign that reads Plaza Level and some other words that are not really in focus, and next to that sign is a camera person shooting footage of the struggle. Another camera person is in front of Rick, with his back to the photographer. Both of these cameras look like the large professional kind with lights and microphones attached to the cameras. Two women stand with their backs to the camera filling the bottom of the picture, one seems to be holding onto the back of a manual wheelchair. Someone's arm is fulling extended from out of the picture and he is holding a small box of some kind out toward the elevator.

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