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ADAPT (1069)

ADAPT (1069).JPG ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)ADAPT (1062)ThumbnailsADAPT (1052)

PHOTO: Two protesters in wheelchairs, a man and a woman (Barbara Toomer) sit in front of the glass doors and windows of the Health and Human Service building in DC. Barbara is reading a piece of paper and holds a walkie talkie in her hand. Standing in the doorways of the building, facing the two, are a man in a suit and a policeman. Behind the two are another policeman, and another man, and two other men in suits are standing further down the building watching. There is another man in a suit squatting down by Barbara, his face is obscured.

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