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Rocky Mountain News
Wednesday morning April 6, 1977

[Headline] Jeffco health chief says new tests show higher peril from Flats plant

4 PHOTOS FOR THE NEWS BY TIM SPANGLER: First photo (top left) is of a man in a dark jacket (James Chidlaw) standing and tipping over another man (Dennis Wilcox) in wheelchair; his right front and back wheels are off the ground and the standing man is holding the back of his chair. They are in a parking lot with a large white building behind them. In the background other people are standing or walking in the distance. A woman standing near them watching has her hands up. The man in the wheelchair (Wilcox) has a big beard, glasses and a hat with a brim. He is wearing a striped shirt, and the woman in front of him has bell bottoms on. His chair appears to be a motorized wheelchair.

Second photo (top right), a man (Chidlaw?) in a dark shirt or jacket is on the ground and two other men are reaching downward in his direction, possibly pushing or holding him down. One of them appears to be wearing a work uniform while the other has on a hat with a feather, a turtleneck and bell bottoms. In the background other people seem to be approaching.

Third photo (bottom left) shows the man with the feather in his hat and another person starting to lift the man (Wilcox) in the striped shirt up from the ground. His wheelchair is not visible. Another man (Wade Blank) appears to be talking to the man in the dark jacket (Chidlaw) who is now standing. Meanwhile the man in the work uniform has one hand on the jacketed man's back.

The fourth photo (lower right) shows a small crowd of people. A man in a dark shirt (Chidlaw?) has his hand up one finger pointing while Wade and the man in the work uniform watch. Something is happening in front of them but it is hard to tell exactly what. Wilcox's arm in the striped shirt is visible from behind someone else, somewhere between ground and wheelchair heights.

[Subheading] Demonstrator encounters rough going

Parking lot manager James Chidlaw, upper left, pushes handicapped protestor Dennis Wilcox off his lot during demonstration at Denver's federal office complex Tuesday. Wilcox felt to street and fellow demonstrators...(not legible)...law to ground. At bottom, Wilcox is helped up while other protestors angrily....Chidlaw, who later was cited for assault. Incident preceded an all-night sit-in at the federal office building. Story another photo on page 6.