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ADAPT (683)

ADAPT (683).JPG ADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)DiapositivasADAPT (638)Diapositivas

Photo by Tom Olin: Five police men in helmets, with guns and other accoutrements on their belts and on their legs, hold up a folding table as a barrier to the ADAPT folks. A horse's head is in the foreground. A woman (Anita Cameron) is laid out on the ground by two other police men who appear to be arresting her. One of the policemen is holding her arms above her head, possibly handcuffed. Two other police walk by through the foliage in the background.

Tom Olin
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